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List of all the grammar exercises
The form of adjectives
Adjectives and negation
Basic word order
Word order in main clauses
Word order in sub-clauses
Conjunctions 1
Conjunctions 2
Conjunctions 3
Degrees of comparison
The positive and the comparative
The comparative and the superlative
The comparative 1
The comparative 2
Double infinitive
The double infinitive in main sentences
The double infinitive and dat-clauses
The double infinitive with separable verbs
The double infinitive with modal verbs
The double infinitive in main clauses and sub-clauses
Expressions with het
Expressions with het in main sentences
Expressions with het in main sentences and sub-clauses
The er and daar of place
The er of quantity
The er with a preposition 1
The er with a preposition 2
The er with a preposition 3
The er with an indefinite subject
The er of place and quantity
The er with the passive voice 1
The four types of er in main sentences
The four types of er in sub-clauses
The five types of er
The er with the passive voice 2
Er or daar with a reflexive verb 1
Er or daar with a reflexive verb 2
Hetzelfde and dezelfde
Hetzelfde, dezelfde
Hetzelfde, dezelfde, andere
Indirect speech
Indirect speech 1
Indirect speech 2
Modal verbs
Modal verbs 1
Modal verbs 2
The double infinitive with modal verbs
Moeten and hoeven 1
Moeten and hoeven 2
Moeten and hoeven 3
Zullen and zouden 1
Zullen and zouden 2
Moeten and hoeven
Moeten and hoeven 1
Moeten and hoeven 2
Moeten and hoeven 3
Negation with niet or geen 1
Negation with niet or geen 2
Negation with niets, nergens, nooit, etc.
Adjectives and negation
Moeten and hoeven 1
Moeten and hoeven 2
Moeten and hoeven 3
Passive voice
The passive voice in the present tense
The passive voice in the simple past
The passive voice in the perfect tense 1
The passive voice in the pluperfect
The passive voice in various tenses
The passive voice in the perfect tense 2
The er with the passive voice 1
The er with the passive voice 2
Perfect and pluperfect tense
Perfect and pluperfect tense
Auxilary verbs of the perfectum
Prepositions with hier, ergens, etc.
Prepositions with hier, ergens, etc. 1
Prepositions with hier, ergens, etc. 2
Personal pronouns
Possessive pronouns
Sub-clauses with relative pronouns die, dat or wat
Sub-clauses with relative pronouns waarop, waarmee, etc.
Sub-clauses with relative pronouns waar ... op, waar ... mee, etc.
Sub-clauses with relative pronouns waar ... op, op wie, etc.
Sub-clauses with relative pronouns die, dat or waar
Reflexive verbs
Reflexive verbs 1
Reflexive verbs 2
Reflexive verbs 3
Reflexive verbs 4
Er or daar with a reflexive verb 1
Er or daar with a reflexive verb 2
Relative sub-clauses
Sub-clauses with relative pronouns die, dat or wat
Sub-clauses with relative pronouns waarop, waarmee, etc.
Sub-clauses with relative pronouns waar ... op, waar ... mee, etc.
Sub-clauses with relative pronouns waar ... op, op wie, etc.
Sub-clauses with relative pronouns die, dat or waar
Sentences with more than one verb
Infinitives with or without te 1
Two or three infinitives
Infinitives with or without te 2
Separable verbs
Separable verbs 1
Separable verbs 2
Separable verbs 3
Separable verbs 4
The double infinitive with separable verbs
Staan - zetten, liggen - leggen
Liggen, staan, etc. in main clauses
Liggen, staan, etc. in sub-clauses
Sub-clause at the beginning
Sub-clause at the beginning of the main sentence 1
Sub-clause at the beginning of the main sentence 2
Zitten te, aan het ... zijn
Zitten te, aan het ... zijn, etc. 1
Zitten te, aan het ... zijn, etc. 2
Zullen and zouden
Zullen and zouden 1
Zullen and zouden 2